Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Gaining an interest in Family History

Sometimes Family History is ingrained in a person. I have always been intrigued by stories of real people. When I was young, I loved reading about Clara Barton, George Washington Carver, and Dolly Madison and the amazing accomplishments they achieved during their lifetime. I also love walking through cemeteries and wonder about the people who are buried there. What was their life like? What hardships did they face? What were their interests? What made them happy? I would love to know their stories. So this is the reason for this blog. I believe that by placing ancestors in the historical context in which they lived maybe some of these questions can be answered.

First however, lets generate some ideas on how to interest our families with their ancestors:

  • Everyone loves birthdays. Why not celebrate a birthday of a deceased ancestor? Gather extended family members and really have a party! Display photos of their life, share a story or two and eat some of the foods they liked or may have eaten. Don't forget the birthday cake, either. Write their name on the cake and sing "Happy Birthday" to them.

  • Display a map of the United States or the world and use stickers or pins to show where your ancestors lived. Talk about events in history that may have affected your ancestor when they lived there.

  • Do any of your family members resemble grandparents, aunts, or uncles? Look through old photographs and see if you can identify any character traits. 

These are just a few ideas to get you started. By following this blog you will soon see how much can be learned from just one picture or one document as I share my experiences with you. A whole new adventure lies ahead as history is intertwined with your ancestors.

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